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Welcome to BladesTrek.com

     Now, as far as "What exactly is Blades Trek?"  Its just a place on the web to find information for things to do with family, friends, or just by yourself.  My family and I (...have to admit, mostly at my urging) are always taking small trips around the area doing things outside. More times then not I take my camera along with me and incorporate a little photography into what ever we get into. 

Sometimes we travel by Jeep, by bike, by foot, and by water (my favorite).  Often I try to find things to do via the internet, sometimes with success, and sometimes not.  So here is a space on the web where myself or my family can share our experiences with anyone interested in just finding things to do...  Its my hope that others can take our experiences, go out and take ownership of their own.  Nothing beats the bonds one can create between family and friends when they share time on an outdoor adventure.  Not to mention the fresh air and exercise! 

Enjoy, thanks for stopping by, and happy trekking




     David A. Blades






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